Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Article 5

We got the official word, our article 5 was recieved yesterday! This just means travel approval is coming in just a couple weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ummmm we need to get visas.... Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo very excited!!!!! Now I must make a packing list... ok, what that really means is I have to consolidate all the small list I have everywhere, and make a master packing list!

Information, Accurate or just saving face?

Ok so we got a tiny update on Ariana, it included height, weight, head circumference, and chest circumference.  No shoe size, which we really need, or this poor baby will go barefoot until we can hit the local Walmart type store, and who knows what we will find there. :) Anyway I was trying to figure out what sizes she will wear by this information.  What I found was some of the measurements put her in a 4t, which is good because most of the clothes I bought are 4t, but some of the numbers don't make any sense at all.  So while searching and trying to figure it out I remembered an article I read recently.  It talks about Chinese culture, and how important it is to "save face".  Basically they don't want to be embarrassed in public, or seem they don't know things, so if asked a question to which they don't know the answer, they will make one up.  I read about families being led on wild goose chases by following directions from people on the street in China.  So each person they asked didn't really know the answer, and they made up directions.  This is so funny to me... I don't know why.  I guess I imagine some Lucy type comedy where she and Ethel are running in circles around a foreign country, while a little old Chinese man sits laughing at them as they pass by.  I know, the movies in my head are only amusing to me. Soooo... back to the point, I am now wondering if these numbers were given to "save face"?  She lives in a foster home so I know it isn't as easy to get her information.  I guess we will have to wait and see... waiting... is... not... something... I ... do... well .... grrrr... I guess God knew this about me and figured it would be a good life lesson. Ur... ummm... thanks God. 0:)

We are still waiting for the infamous TA or travel approval.  This part is so much harder than I imagined.  Like I just started the last month of pregnancy, and I know how long I have to wait, but I have no exact day yet,  I feel the nesting thing coming on.  I have to get her room completely ready... or I may go insane.  Ok so I exaggerate, but I am going nuts inside... I can't wait but I know I have to, and I can't rush it.  So I guess what I am saying is pray for my poor family because I may drive them crazy for the next month or so (any maybe for my readers, because I make no promises about the qualiy of posts you may see).