Monday, January 14, 2013

Every pregnancy...adoption... is different.

Ok so what I am finding out is that just like pregnancies adoptions are different every time. The first and most obvious difference is financial.  It is alot more difficult this time around, just like pregnancies the more kids you have the less money to go around lol.  Ariana is a huge blessing so don't even think we see her as a burden, but she has had two surgeries and weekly audiologist/speech therapist visits.  You can imagine how that even with good insurance the cost can add up quickly.  We have had to take this very slow and we are planning some wonderful fund raisers for this year.  Please pray God gives us wisdom and blessings with each event.  Let me also say, I am choosing once again to trust God for each need.  Sometimes in the trenches I cannot see things clearly and I get stressed, but God has been faithful. He met every single need as we worked to bring Ariana home and I know He will do the same.

The second difference is we don't have a specific child to work toward yet.  Well we do, but we don't know who they are, only God does at this point.  It is the first question people ask about our adoption, and the thing that helps people connect.  We aren't sure of what needs this child will have, and for my "planner mind" this makes me crazy with questions.  We did review the files on two beautiful twin girls, I had a million questions but for now they are on hold for another family.  There is no official match but it could lead to one.  We are on the list to call if they become available.  So we wait and dream about our childs sweet face. 

Thirdly we are having to use a new homestudy agency and social worker (due to China reqs changing since the last adoption).  We were asked to sign a contract that had a clause in it saying by signing it we agreed to sign a TEA and pay travel for the social worker to and from our house, the problem? We had not seen this agreement nor was there a cap on charges, nor where they specifically laid out so we would know what we would pay.  So basically she could have taken a luxury jet or helicopter or hired a limo driver to come here and we would have to pay whatever that cost.  Ummmm no..... we are now waiting to see an estimated cost and a plan of travel.  She only has to come to our home once (thank you God) the other times we will travel to her on our weekly Dallas/ therapy trips. So this delay is taking far to long for me.  Our homestudy will be faster this time and a few forms from the last one can be used again.  She will also coordinate with our previous Social worker (who we love).  I just don't wait well when one of my children is involved.

All that said, I am so unbelievably excited for my friends Jason and Merissa Yusko.  They are in Camiguin, Philippines right now getting to know their sweet little boy, and by tomorrow night they will be in Manilla getting his visa and passport to come home.  I cannot wait to hear their stories!!!  We have always loved this couple (maybe cuz they are crazy like us) but this adoption journey really brings about a kindred spirit.  Not to mention they are adopting a little boy who is also deaf, and as everyone knows my oldest and youngest are deaf... Keep them in your prayers as sweet James leaves his foster family who has loved and raised him so far in his short life.  Pray for safe and comfortable travel as it is a long journey.  Talking to them and using facetime has been wonderful, but it also stirred alot of impatience on my part :) I want to go now to our child, I want to do this a thousand times over.  I want to fill my home and then buy a bigger one, and fill it too.  Crazy I know but the need is so huge, there are so many. 

God help me to do this one moment at a time,  help me share my heart a million times, to connect with the right people, thank you for letting me plant and water as you inspire other families to begin this journey.  I read a few days ago of a couple of grandparents... yes GRANDPARENTS who are starting an adoption journey.  It is NEVER too late, God can do anything through anyone who is willing. 

God thank you for letting me see these beautiful stories and meeting wonderful people who are on the brink of taking their leap of faith, and for surrounding me with others who's hearts have been so stirred for the orphan that they are pouring their lives into helping others bring them home.  There is hope for the orphan... their hope lives in us... so be His hands and feet today... Stop waiting for the flash of lighting with your name written in it, you are called, simply because you are His.

Love you guys...