Monday, November 7, 2011

Getting to know you

I am so enjoying getting to know this little girl, she is priceless.  She has a very sweet tender spirit one minute, and then she morphs into a wild child, running a giggling and playing.  She is so very smart, I believe she had a lot of people fooled and probably got away with a lot because they didn't think she understood.  She is so aware of what is going on around her, she survived for the last 3 and 1/2 years without ever being able to speak (or sign) a word.  She has grabbed hold of language and is absorbing it so fast, I honestly cannot count all the words she knows now.  The first couple of weeks she only signed a few words, it was like she was absorbing it all,  then she began signing, and being expected to sign words for things she wanted or just to identify things in her world.  I love her so much, she has bonded so well with the family,  she had favorites at different times but seems to have decided she loves everyone.  She is sassy and strong willed and oh so beautiful.  I cannot image our family without her.  Destin and I were talking about her yesterday and we can see how God made her to perfectly fit in our family.  She has qualities that make her so much like all of us.  She is amazing.

There have been a few challenges,  she likes to decide she isn't going to listen to us, and she will turn away,  she has tried being rude to her siblings,  even Mom and Dad while in China :).  She doesn't like nap time,  she gets very mad.  I guess maybe she feels she will miss something.  I have had a hard time disciplining her,  she had her first major meltdown in China when told no,  and I have cried many times when I had to be firm with her,  she would get this look on her face, and I felt so mean. That is all slowly changing,  she has come to accept the word no more easily, and I have come to grips with the fact that my emotion came out of fear that she would reject me if I had to discipline.  She has actually gotten even closer to us when we are consistent.  I am a firm believer that even though they don't like it at the time, nor do we, children need consistency and discipline (when done in love, and a heart to teach them to be and do better).  I am looking forward to her first Thanksgiving and her first Christmas, and all the wonder it brings.  We were in Hobby Lobby the other day and they have an Ariana size nativity,  she was in awe, she wanted to climb ing\ the stable and touch all the animals.  We got as close as we could as I told her who they all were.  My heart ached as I longed to help her know who that baby was and what He gave for her.  I long for the day that she understands the words I am speaking enough that she can truly hear the story of His birth and why he came.  For now we settle with teaching her the words baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph and all the animals. 

All I can say is thank you God for this blessing,  and for all of my children... you amaze me everyday, as I watch them interact, you knew all along, through all my questions, all my fears and impatience, that this was the child and this was the time.  Thank you for walking before us,  help me to live everyday knowing that each of them is a precious priceless gift from you.