For those who havent heard, we are in Shanghai. We arrived last night, exhausted, but safe and comfortable. Gettin luggage was interesting since everyone crowded around a vlow moving luggage belt and fought to get our bags. Going through customs was quick and efficient. It was eerily quiet as we entered the airport, there were signs up telling us to remain quiet. Then after we went through customs it felt more familiar. We found our hotel quickly because signs were in both English and Chinese. This was a huge comfort for me :) After some botched communication we got our room and found out how to catch our bus for today. We slept well, but woke up around 3 ready for the day, I guess our clocks are off :) I am still feeling the effects of flying, feeling lightheaded and quesy. Our room is very nice, and our bed is round lol. It was pretty comfortable temp wise last night but it is as if the AC is off this morning. So we are off to breakfast... hoping to find something that looks familiar. I will let you know. Sorry for the spelling a grammar, I blame exhaustion. Love you guys, keep praying for us.