Wednesday, October 5, 2011


We arrived in detroit, and for some reason the nerves have hit me. I am nervous about this next looooong flight and about being in a country soon were I cannot communicate Aaaaahhhhhhh!! We did come through the coolest tunnel ever between terminals it was like a giant plexiglass tube with cool sounds and a light show... If I hadn't been to busy trying not to fall on my face on the giant treadmill I would have taken pictures :) pray for us, for safety and good health and to calm my nerves :) and for all of our kiddos.

God thank you for safe travel and making this possible... All the glory is yours alone.

Now it's time for food...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. Did Destin & Ashlyn go or just you and David? I'm praying for you all, that everything goes perfect and that God will give peace to your emotions. I LOVE that you're keeping us updated, love you much!!!
